Missing Link in Odoo Document Models
a case of clarity and simplicity

The Missing Link in Odoo's Model Structure: A Case for Clarity and Simplicity

In the realm of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, the way data models are structured and named plays a pivotal role in defining the user experience, system maintainability, and overall clarity. Odoo, a popular open-source ERP solution, offers a wide range of functionalities catering to various business needs. However, upon closer examination, it appears that Odoo deviates from a common best practice in ERP system design - the clear "document and line" model naming convention. This blog post delves into the implications of this deviation and how aligning with this best practice could enhance clarity and simplicity in Odoo.

Understanding the Document and Line Convention

In many leading ERP systems, such as SAP, Oracle, and Dynamics, the model structure often follows a "document and line" naming convention. This means that each transactional entity is split into two parts: the main document (e.g., "Sales Order Document") and its constituent lines (e.g., "Sales Order Line"). This approach mirrors real-world business documents and processes, making the system intuitive and easy to navigate.

The Current State in Odoo

Odoo's approach, while robust and flexible, often misses this level of clarity in model naming. For example:

Sale Order vs. Sale Order Line: In Odoo, you have sale.order and sale.order.line. While this seems close to the standard, the absence of the word 'document' can cause ambiguity.

Purchase Order Variance: Similarly, purchase.order and purchase.order.line are used, which follows the structure but not the naming convention.

Inventory Models: In inventory management, the distinction becomes less clear with models like stock.picking and stock.move, which do not immediately convey the document-line relationship.

The Benefits of Aligning with Best Practices

Enhanced Clarity: By adopting a more explicit naming convention, Odoo could make its model structure immediately recognizable. This would especially benefit new users or those transitioning from other ERP systems.

Improved Data Management: A clear distinction between documents and lines simplifies database management tasks such as querying, reporting, and maintaining data integrity.

Better Alignment with Business Processes: Such a naming convention aligns more closely with physical business documents, making it easier for non-technical users to relate to the system.

Streamlined Training and Onboarding: New users and developers would find it easier to understand and navigate the system, reducing the learning curve.

Recommendations for Odoo

To harness these benefits, Odoo could consider:

Revising Model Names: Implementing a naming convention that clearly differentiates between documents and their lines.

Updating Documentation: Ensuring that the documentation reflects these changes, making it easier for developers and users to understand the system structure.

Community Engagement: Engaging with the Odoo community to gather feedback and ensure that any changes align with user needs and expectations.


While Odoo excels in flexibility and customization, aligning its model naming with the established "document and line" convention could significantly enhance clarity and simplicity. This change, albeit subtle, has the potential to streamline user experience, data management, and overall system comprehension. As Odoo continues to evolve, incorporating such best practices will only strengthen its position as a user-friendly and efficient ERP solution.

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