ERP- Accounting & Billing System (AFM)

    هذه التركيبة غير موجودة.

    • Reduced Data Entry
    • Advanced Customer Statements
    • Aged Receivable Balance
    • Control Billable and Supplier Expenses
    • Checks Management (print and deposit)
    • Manage Cash Registers
    • Journal Entries
    • Bank Reconciliations
    • Financial Reporting (Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, General Ledger, Chart Of Accounts)

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    Reduced Data Entry

    No need to create invoices manually, print and send them, register bank statements, follow-up payments... Automate more, save time.

    Advanced Customer Statements

    Get clear reports on customer statements and navigate easily through the documents to understand every customer use case.

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     Odoo • Image and Text

    Aged Receivable Balance

    The receivable report gives you a clear overview of overdue payments and treasury forecast.

    Control Billable and Supplier Expenses

    The process is simplified by assigning expense to customer when you record expenses from vendor, then such expenses are available to add into customer invoice. Thus you do not have to input such information manually in customer invoice. Also, there is a report to monitor pending billable expenses to make sure they are kept track, and not missed. In our app, billable expenses can be assigned to Customer via Purchase order, or Billing stage...

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    Odoo • Image and Text

    Checks Management (print and deposit)

    Cheques management will help the life cycle for the cheques in company, which will help you to track the cheques received and given to suppliers and so on... , with this module you can track the cheques are cleared or bounced or not paid, in this module we have complete workflow to handle the cheques. 

    Manage Cash Registers

    Easily track every cash transaction with opening and closing.

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    Odoo • Image and Text

    Journal Entries

    Easy to draft manual journal entries, put your expert accounting knowledge into action, by means of fully tracked and controlled adjusting entries to proper AR/AP ledgers, accounts, and cost centers.

    Bank Reconciliations

    Bank Statement Reconciliation enhances on one of the most important process of accounting with adding extra feature of letting accountant generate the bank statement with done payment entries from the different documents like vouchers, payments etc.
    You can simply generate bank statement Reconciliation process same as bank statement setup where you will see automatic opening balance and computed balance calculation and once you create new statement ending balance of last statement will become opening balance of next bank statement.
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     Odoo • Image and Text

    Financial Reporting (Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet

    Ready to View, PDF, Export to Excel, complete Financial Statements lay out as per IAS/ IFRS. P&L, BS, CFS, and much more by MIS, BI

    General Ledger, Chart Of Accounts

    Search and filter in the general ledger easily and zoom into documents in just a click.Get standard reports and chart of accounts available for multiple countries.
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