ERP- Advanced Payroll Management

    هذه التركيبة غير موجودة.

    Employee Contracts

    An employment contract acts as a consensual agreement between an employer and employee and is the basis of any employment relationship. Click to hub efficiently manages the employee requisites, the payslip is generated with the data from the contract

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    Odoo • Image and Text

    Passport based Contract

    Do you want to manage employee visa information? This helps you to send email notification on reaching the expiration dates of the employee passport. You can notify the responsible person whom you were configured, before a day, week, month & you can set manually days.


    Payroll Allowance and Deductions extension from PIT Solutions can be used to record the employee Allowances and Deductions. The same will be available in the Other Inputs data of the corresponding employee Payslip. With proper Salary Rule configuration, one can easily compute salary lines based on these input lines.

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    Odoo • Image and Text

    Allow to configure Basic/Gross/Net Salary

    As salary management is an essential part of any company, the employer requires an efficient salary management system to meet all requirements. Odoo Payroll comes to the rescue of an organization at this juncture. This helps the organization and especially its human resources and accounting wings to easily manage payroll. 

    Employee Payslip

    Business having number of Employees and its necessary employee can see only their own Payslip and Print it So make thing happen we have made small app in odoo in which Employee can see their own Payslip

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     Odoo • Image and Text

    Monthly Payroll Register


    Integrated with Holiday Management


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     Odoo • Image and Text

    ☑ Retrieve pivot view of pay slips.


    ☑ Able to get Reports


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    Employee wise,


    Employee's department wise,


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    Odoo • Image and Text

    Employee's job title wise,


    Pay slip's date wise,


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    Odoo • Image and Text

    Pay slip's status wise,


    Company wise


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    Odoo • Image and Text

    ☑ Spot Export to XLS Report.
