How to control vendor bills, pay vendor bills based on reception?

How to control vendor bills, pay vendor bills based on reception?

The Purchase application allows you to manage your purchase orders, incoming products, and vendor bills all seamlessly in one place.

If you want to set up a vendor bill control process, the first thing you need to do is to have purchase data in Odoo. Knowing what has been purchased and received is the first step towards understanding your purchase management processes.

Here is the standard work flow in Odoo:

You begin with a Request for Quotation (RFQ) to send out to your vendor(s).
Once the vendor has accepted the RFQ, confirm the RFQ into a Purchase Order (PO).
Confirming the PO generates an Incoming Shipment if you purchased any stockable products.
Upon receiving a Vendor Bill from your Vendor, validate the bill with products received in the previous step to ensure accuracy.
This process may be done by three different people within the company, or only one.
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