Subcontracting process for contractors

Subcontracting process for contractors, Read full document at

Like the we setup subcontracting in manufacturing process( for companies who outsource the contracting work, the contractor need the setup at other side, he get the requirement form factory to perform the some part of the final product. The outsourcing company send the raw material to build the product and pay for the job work done.

In this document we will show you steps to setup the subcontracting business flow for the contractors, get the raw material to and produce the semi-finished product delivery the product get paid for the job work done.

Let’s take an example of Table, to produce the table we need 1 table top and table frame, 4 lags and some consumable like bracket and bolt, assumed that tabletop is laminated by third party contractor by us, we get the wood sheet and lamination sheet to prepare the laminated table top.
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