How to cancel confirmed purchase order or confirmed purchase order received partial shipment?

Due to misunderstandings, human errors or change of plans, it is sometimes necessary to cancel purchase orders sent to suppliers. Odoo allows you to do it, even if some or even all of the ordered goods already arrived in your warehouse.

We will first take as example the case where we order 10 Laptop that haven't arrived in your transfers yet. As the installation of the inventory application is required when using the Purchase module, it is also interesting to see the case of partially delivered goods that you want to cancel.

Case 1: you didn't receive your goods yet
If you confirmed your purchase order and did not received your goods yet, you can simply cancel the PO it by clicking the cancel button.

Case 2: partially delivered goods
If you received the partial shipment and due to quality issue, you want to cancel the full purchase order. Let's assume that you have already received 10 Laptop out of 100 ordered and you have created backorder of 90 PCE.

First create a reverse entry from 10 already received and select the option refund invoice at the time of creating reverse entry. Delete the backorder as we are going to cancel the full order.

Set the ordered quantity to 0 on the purchase order and Lock order, so that no one can process that order.
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